Thursday, January 2, 2014

Waldorf Treehouse - made from gingerbread!

 I made a gingerbread house based on waldorf tree houses/gnome houses.  Its made from 4 batches of gingerbread, using a few different recipes to give different colors and sturdiness.  The details are made from melted sugar, edible clay (made from scratch of course) and food coloring.  The only non-edible bits are the base, some toothpicks and a bit of string.  Everything else is all food!  

I have a tree house with 12 gnomes, a play house, checkerboard, swing, picnic table, bench, book, 2 tables, 4 chairs, firepit, garden, well/pulley system, ladders, a staircase, sugar greenhouse, a slide and sea saw, and a dock with a fisherman and lake.  

I painted the gingerbread with cocoa and food coloring to make different shades to make it look more like wood.  The posts were also painted with a layer of watered down gingerbread dough and re-baked to give a bark like texture.  

I tried to get pictures from all sides: 

This little green gnome is sitting a toadstool table.
Two gnomes sitting at another table on another floor. 

A gnome manning the pulley system for the well, and a bright red ladder.

On the top level, there is the swing off one side.   There is a picnic table with a chessboard and grey gnome, a little playhouse, and another gnome reading a book.

Gnome on a swing

Gnome on a yellow bench.

The little yellow gnome is fishing on the dock.  The fish is hand painted, and there are two more in buckets (the orange/green one made by my 6yr old).  The water is poured sugar over tin foil.   Behind is the path, hand painted with cocoa. 

Here is the greenhouse that I made from poured sugar.   There is also a carrot patch and a basket of carrots.   In the background is the staircase and playground. 

This is the well made from gingerbread and painted.  The rock is holding the string for the bucket/pulley system.  Green archway in the background is one of two.

Here is the firepit.  Its got "ash" in the bottom, rocks surrounding it (for safety of course), and logs and flame.  The teal gnome is roasting a marshmellow (funny angle in the pic, the marshmellow is by the gnomes face)

The pulley system holds this bucket, with a tiny gnome inside!

Another shot of the firepit, staircase, path and carrot patch. 

Lastly, here is a 360* view (no sound needed, the only audio is my sister watching house hunters in the background!)  

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